Soros office in Armenia funds programs infringing national values: political analyst

Aysor, Armenia
Oct 1 2019

For years Soros office in Armenia funded projects aimed at infringement or reviewing of a number of our values, political analyst Hrant Melik-Shahnazaryan who is participating in today’s VETO initiative’s action told the reporters.

“The activity of the office was a campaign against Armenian Apostolic Church and Armenian traditional family and force institutions. It was a movement to make different state institutions more controllable,” he said, adding that the campaign succeeded and the forces funded by Soros office managed to seize the power in Armenia.

The political analyst said that VETO’s activity is aimed at fostering state institutions and preservation of Armenian values.

“Recently I have started supporting VETO trying to participate in its gatherings and to once again voice about the dangers existing in our country today. We must make our state, people and church find their worthy place and role in the life of our society,” Hrant Melik-Shahnazaryan said.