Categories: 2019

Turkey’s century-long complexes

Panorama, Armenia
Oct 12 2019

Author Anahit Voskanyan

It is difficult to understand Turkey and the Turks. Years after years and centuries after centuries the complex of being alien to where they live has not left them. To an extend that they remained wild even after creating an empire. So wild that they eliminated whole nations. Perhaps, they were feared for the fact of them being incomers would be reminded to them over and over again. To an extent that being devastators they were reluctant to give people their freedom whose territories they had conquered.

What kind of a blood Turks have as they never get tired of killing?  Not only are they ashamed of their genocidal vileness but from time to time initiate death revelries.

Who is Turkey with all its gone and hidden ambitions or envy to join Europe? Who are passing through the country, what type of armament and for whom are transferred through Turkey? No civilized logic may ever explain.

“109 terrorists have been killed since the launch of the military operation in Syria,” Erdogan has recently stated.

No matter how pragmatic one is the war is incompatible with civilization, the unawareness of children, the deaths, the hours filled with horrors for elderly, women as all of them may never perceive any ‘military’ justification for a war. No matter how hard the great powers explain the usage and production of weapons under the veil of democratic, liberal, anti-terrorist slogans, the war still remains unperceivable. 

Turkey has launched a wedding of killings in front of the whole world yet again.

Since yesterday, all have been following the developments in Syria where the Kurds and Christians are again the target. Some question why the Kurds helped the Turks during the Genocide. Yet those thoughts appear when one does not watch real war scenes, helpless fathers taking their kids in arms,  desperate grandfathers unable to protect their families, little girls dreaming of weapons …
This might seem a curse for Turks. Otherwise, how can one explain the country always heads to and gets stuck in the most hideous gambles.

Yes, the only explanation may exist is that is a curse! 


Vicken Chmshkian: