Bureau of Armenian Revolutionary Federation issues statement condemning Turkey’s attack on Syria

ARKA, Armenia
Oct 11 2019

Bureau of Armenian Revolutionary Federation issues statement
condemning Turkey’s attack on Syria

YEREVAN, October 11. /ARKA/.The Bureau of the Armenian Revolutionary
Federation issued a statement on Thursday strongly condemning Turkey’s
brutal attack on Syria and calling on the international community to
curbing Ankara’s destructive actions that threaten the security of the

In its statement, the ARF Bureau says that once again, with complete
disregard to international rights of states and individuals, Turkey
has launched a military attack on northeastern Syria. The Turkish plan
to establish a so-called security zone threatens not only Syria’s
territorial integrity, but also the security of this area's Kurdish
majority as well as ethnic and religious minorities, including
Armenians, and aims to establish a new demographic order in the area.

By sponsoring extremists in Syria for a long time, Turkey, under the
guise of fighting terrorism, has created room for new threats of new
military tension escalation, massacres, migration, reactivation of
terrorist groups and a new humanitarian crisis.

The ARF Bureau finds it very alarming that this is taking place at a
time of international efforts to ease tension in Syria and create an
atmosphere of reconciliation and peace in the country.
Inadequate reaction of the organizations involved in the mediation
process to the criminal acts of the country that has committed a

Thus, the Armenian Revolutionary Federation Bureau condemns the
actions of the criminal Turkish regime which has declared war on
sovereign nation with genocidal intentions toward the majority Kurdish
population and national minorities in the area, pledges to contribute
to efforts in securing the safety of our brethren who are in the
immediate areas of the military operation and assist in relief efforts
and expresses its solidarity with the friendly people of Syria and
finds it imperative that nations engaged in the regional processes and
the international community take resolute steps to halt the Turkish
regime with the aim of securing stable peace in the region.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Wednesday Turkey would
launch a military offensive against the Kurdistan Labor Party and the
"Islamic State". Turkish troops have launched their offensive in
northern Syria, and ethnic Armenians in northern Syria are under fire
now. -0---
