Israeli political scientist: Turkey`s obvious aggressiveness gives Armenia a stabilizing importance

Arminfo, Armenia
Oct 11 2019

ArmInfo. The Turkish invasion of Syria opens up additional opportunities for cooperation between Israel and Armenia. A similar opinion was expressed by ArmInfo, an  Israeli public figure, political scientist Avigdor Eskin.

"With Turkey's obviously unbridled aggressive outbursts, a strong  Armenia is important to the whole region and the whole world as a  stabilizing factor. It's time to realize this and help Armenia in its  formation and strengthening," he emphasized.  According to Eskin,  after the start of the Turkish invasion of Syria, the casualties of  hostilities are in the hundreds. What, the political scientist  considers not surprising, calling to recall the tens of thousands of  Kurds destroyed by Ankara since the beginning of the eighties.  However, this time it is not just about the Turkish invasion of  Syria, but also about the introduction of terrorist gangs of a  radical Sunni orientation there, including militants of the notorious  "Islamic State".

This course of events, according to the forecasts of a political  scientist, threatens the results of the Russian military operation in  Syria. And if Erdogan manages to let all the bloodthirsty fanatics  who are now in Turkey into the neighboring country, the future of  Syria will again be in jeopardy. An important lesson, in his opinion,  is the next political failure of the Kurdish movement, and if two  years ago they had a chance of independence, it was their own  fragmentation that led them to a fiasco.  The consequences of what  are observed today.

"In Israel, the threat that present-day Turkey poses to the entire  Middle East region is well understood. Erdogan's recent steps prove  his inability to act within the framework of civilizational norms.  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promised assistance to  Kurdish militias. Some Israeli ministers are calling for Israel to  recognize an independent Kurdistan." – summed up Eskin.

On October 10, the Turkish army invaded the northern regions of  neighboring Syria. Turkish President Recep Erdogan describes such  actions as "directed against PKK and IG Operation "Source of the  World." The objectives of the operation, he said, are to ensure the  security of the southern border of Turkey from terrorists, to protect  the territorial integrity of Syria and the return of the Syrians,  "which Turkey cannot contain forever." Ankara's actions have  criticized almost all neighboring countries, EU and USA. The latter  explicitly threatened Turkey with sanctions. The Turkish Ministry of  Defense reported that, according to the latest data, 174 terrorists  were killed during the operation. In Syria, reported the deaths of  eight civilians and 20 wounded.