Categories: 2019

The scandal with Garegin Nzhdeh is gaining new momentum

Arminfo, Armenia
Oct 17 2019

ArmInfo. In Russia, the church is separated from the state.  This was announced on October 17 during a weekly briefing by the official representative of the  Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, asking her to  submit her vision of resolving the situation related to the attempt  to dismantle the memorial plate to Garegin Nzhdeh, which was  iestablished in the courtyard of the Armenian church in Russian  Armavir.

Responding to the question of the journalist, Zakharova asked to  answer the question whether the journalist divides the attitude to  this issue in Armenia and in Russia into two or three aspects.  "Firstly, I did not know the aspect of this situation, that there is  a tablet on the territory of the Armenian temple, etc. We still  proceed from the fact that our Church is separate from the state, and  this applies to all religious directions.  The second point, if we  return to this topic globally, I believe that we need to return it to  a certain historicity and assessments from this point of view, "the  representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry said, recalling that  Moscow's position was voiced repeatedly at briefings, she is also  reflected in a special report by MFA of Russia.  According to her,  this assessment is relevant in principle, and if it approaches this  issue from the point of view of history. "The third point, I wanted  to say once again that if I touch on the specific situation and the  statements of MPs and local authorities, I'm not up to date and ready  to study and comment more specifically. But, I believe that the first  two points are the answer of your question," Zakharova concluded .  

Talar Tumanian: