Categories: 2019

Zakharova presented the position of the Russian Foreign Ministry in connection with Zatulin`s visit to Artsakh

Arminfo, Armenia
Oct 17 2019

ArmInfo.A note from the Azerbaijani side in connection with the visit of the State Duma lawmaker, first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS  Affairs Konstantin Zatulin to Nagorno-Karabakh was received through  diplomatic channels. This was announced on October 17 during a weekly  briefing by the official representative of the Russian Foreign  Ministry, Maria Zakharova.

''I want to once again draw attention to the fact that on our website  there is a warning published for a very long time but, unfortunately,  few of those who want to travel to the corresponding region pay  attention to it.  So, we have a valid warning on our website that I  quote: <the Azerbaijani side denies entry to those citizens visiting  the territory of the former Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region and 7  adjacent administrative regions without special permission of the  Azerbaijani authorities." This is a relevant quote. This applies to  everyone and reflects the position of the Azerbaijani authorities on  this issue. The position of the Russian Foreign Ministry on the  Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and ways to resolve it is well known and  remains unchanged. As for the final status of Nagorno-Karabakh, all  the assessments, all the statements made before by the Russian side,  remain relevant. The status should be determined through political  negotiations within the framework of the Minsk process, "Zakharova  said. As for politicians, Russian ones in particular, she continued,  representatives of the legislative branch or people representing  civil society who make relevant statements on this subject," we  proceed from the fact that they reflect their personal point of view.  "" This may be an expert point of view or a political statement, but  one way or another, the relevant institution of executive power  expresses the official point of view on this issue. We have a  presidential foreign policy, respectively, this is the prerogative of  the Presidential Administration and relevant structures and the  Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as other departments that are  authorized to make such statements and reflect the position of the  whole state, "Zakharova concluded.  Earlier it became known that  Azerbaijan sent an official note to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs  of the Russian Federation expressing concern of the Azerbaijani side  in connection with the participation of Zatulin at events in Artsakh.   Zatulin, reacting to the note of Azerbaijan, called the reaction of  the Azerbaijani authorities to his visit to Nagorno-Karabakh  hysterical. "Azerbaijan, like Ukraine, always arranges some indecent  hysterics about the arrival of anyone anywhere," the parliamentarian  said, adding that he stands for peace and does not sell weapons.  According to him, the inadequacy of the Azerbaijani side has become a  byword. He added that Baku assumes the right to determine what < our  interests are>.  It should be noted that on October 11, Konstantin  Zatulin took part in Nagorno-Karabakh and spoke at the international  forum "Friends of Artsakh: for justice and peace".  During his  speech, Zautlin said that the people of Artsakh demonstrate  tremendous achievements in civilian life. People in Artsakh live a  full-fledged life, opposing any incitement'', – said Zatulin, while  noting that it was impossible not to touch upon the issue of  recognizing Artsakh at the forum.  According to him, everyone expects  and hopes that good will and a sober approach to the settlement of  the Karabakh conflict will triumph and peace will return to this  land. At the same time, he added that there is no doubt that such a  moment will never come when Nagorno-Karabakh loses its statehood. "I  can say that the Russian Federation, as a mediator, promotes a  peaceful resolution to the conflict and thwarts military attempts in  every possible way. Such an attempt was made in April 2016, it was  not part of the kind people's plan, and Russia did everything in its  power to end it soon and reduce explosiveness. The settlement of the  Karabakh conflict is a priority for us, "said Zatulin.

''But, one way or another, you can be sure that the Russian  Federation as a state will not allow an unjust solution to the  Karabakh conflict. I'm just sure of that. Whoever the president or  the prime minister is, the Russian people first of all value  conscience and justice. And they are on your side'', – concluded  Zatulin.

Yeghisabet Arthur: