Armenian NSS statement: CC head Tovmasyan did not answer NSS staff calls, Armenia
Oct 19 2019
Armenian NSS statement: CC head Tovmasyan did not answer NSS staff calls Armenian NSS statement: CC head Tovmasyan did not answer NSS staff calls

11:15, 19.10.2019

The NSS released a statement saying why notices have been sent to family members of the CC head Hrayr Tovmasyan.

According to the statement, they have an attempts to contact the CC President personally but he did not respond to calls and was out of touch. After that, notices were sent as prescribed.

As NSS said in a statement, Tovmasyan’s father has been offered to give explanation in his own home, and he was visited by a NSS employee for that purpose, but he, instead of changing his position, preferred to give an explanation at the NSS administrative building in the presence of his own lawyers.

As reported earlier, based ona report which independent MP Arman Babajanyan had submitted to the Prosecutor General, the Special Investigation Service (SIS) on Thursday launched a criminal case against CC chief judge Hrayr Tovmasyan and some other officials on usurpation of official power. 

SIS conducted investigations at the CC and the headquarters of the former ruling Republican Party of Armenia.

Some of Tovmasyan’s close family members were called to the NSS. Meanwhile, Arman Babajanyan claims Hrayr Tovmasyan has usurped the office of Constitutional Court President by using criminal schemes.