Categories: 2019

Armenia holds apple festival for first time

News.am, Armenia
Oct 20 2019
Armenia holds apple festival for first time Armenia holds apple festival for first time
18:22, 20.10.2019

For the first time in Armenia, an apple festival will be held Sunday in Nor Geghi village of Armenia’s Kotayk Province, Nor Geghi prefect Vardan Papyan told Armenian News-NEWS.am.

“We [also] plan to open an apple statue; it’s a metal statue,” he added. “The statue is unique in Armenia.”

The village mayor stressed that the apple is the brand of Nor Geghi, so they decided to glorify it.

Representatives from the Kotayk provincial hall, members of the government, public, political, and cultural figures also were invited to this event.

“Everything related to the apple will be shown at the festival,” Papyan said.

The event will be accompanied by Armenian national dances, songs, and music.

The economic, cultural, and tourism potential of the Nor Geghi rural community will be presented during this festival.


Vatche Chakhmakhchian: