Categories: 2019

Institute Projects Presented at Oral History Association Conference

For Immediate Release

University of Southern California
Los Angeles, California, USA
Contact: Syuzanna Petrosyan, Associate Director
Armenian@usc.edu | 213.821.3943

Institute Projects Presented at Oral History Association Conference

SALT LAKE CITY, UT - Syuzanna Petrosyan, Associate Director of the USC 
Institute of Armenian Studies, and Gegham Mughnetsyan, Chitjian Researcher 
Archivist, presented Institute’s ongoing oral history projects at the annual 
Oral History Association conference in Salt Lake City, Utah, on October 17, 

Established in 1966, the Oral History Association is the flagship organization 
for oral history practitioners and scholars, serving a broad and diverse 
audience including historians, archivists, librarians, and documentarians. 

Ms. Petrosyan and Mr. Mughnetsyan were speakers in a session titled “The 
Challenges of Remembering: Complexity in Documenting Trauma, Displacement, and 
Political Change.” Chaired by Dr. Annette Henry from University of British 
Columbia, the panel revolved around the processes and challenges of collecting 
and documenting oral histories. 

Ms. Petrosyan manages the Institute’s UNDERSTANDING INDEPENDENCE project, 
which, through long-form video interviews in Armenia, documents and secures for 
history the memories and accounts of prominent figures of Armenia’s 
independence movement from the Soviet Union. 

In the presentation titled, “Understanding Independence: Armenia 1988-1996 - A 
Preliminary Look at the First Year of Documentation and Oral Interview 
Collection Process”, she discussed the value of and complexities related to 
this important project. 

“These oral histories challenge mainstream historical reviews of processes and 
attitudes that existed at the time, including attitudes towards independence 
and sovereignty,” Ms. Petrosyan said.

Ms. Petrosyan showed brief excerpts from the interviews in Russian, Armenian 
and English to illustrate the diversity of the interviews and the extensive 
post-interview process of transcribing, translating and subtitling the 
interviews to provide wide access for future researchers. 

In his presentation titled “The Armenian Displaced Persons of WWII: Challenges 
of Oral History in a Close-Knit Community”, Gegham Mughnetsyan spoke about the 
particularities of collecting stories in a community where everyone knows each 
other and the past is communally shared. 

Mr. Mughnetsyan has conducted thirty interviews as part of the DISPLACED 
PERSONS DOCUMENTATION project, which tells the story of the Soviet-Armenian 
refugees and their odious journey from German camps to America. This is a pilot 
project within the Institute’s larger DIGITAL DIASPORA initiative to gather, 
digitize and make accessible materials that comprise the Armenian Diaspora 
experience. “Above all,” Mughnetsyan said at the end of his presentation, “the 
connecting glue among the people was the collective story, kept, celebrated and 
retold at every gathering and reunion, a story of displacement, of survival, 
and of a journey that turned people into a community.”  

Another challenge highlighted by Mr. Mughnetsyan was the fact that a lot of the 
interviewees switch between three languages while being interviewed, which 
exponentially complicates the transcription process. Mr. Mughnetsyan showcased 
fragments of interviews coupled with archival photographs collected from the 
interviewees during the documentation process.    

The presentations were followed by a dozen questions regarding the various 
challenges of working with communities that have been through trauma, 
displacement and political upheaval. Oral historians working with similar 
community projects expressed the interest to maintain connections for future 
dialogues, exchange of best practices and cooperation. 

During the four-day-long conference, Institute’s representatives got to make 
connections with peers in the field and observed creative examples of showcased 
oral histories and community stories that will in turn be useful guides as 
Institute’s growing oral history collections and projects become research 
materials, audio documentaries, mixed-media exhibits and podcasts. 

About the Institute
Established in 2005, the USC Institute of Armenian Studies supports 
multidisciplinary scholarship to re-define, explore and study the complex 
issues that make up the contemporary Armenian experience—from post-genocide to 
the developing Republic of Armenia to the evolving diaspora. The institute 
encourages research, publications and public service, and promotes links among 
the global academic and Armenian communities.
For inquiries, write to Armenian@usc.edu or call 213.821.3943.

Paul Hambardsumian: