Artsakh Foreign Ministry welcomes adoption of US House resolution on Armenian Genocide

Artsakh Foreign Ministry welcomes adoption of US House resolution on Armenian Genocide




YEREVAN, OCTOBER 30, ARMENPRESS. The foreign ministry of the Republic of Artsakh issued a statement, welcoming the adoption of the resolution by the U.S. House of Representatives on recognizing the Armenian Genocide, the Artsakh MFA told Armenpress.

The statement says:

“We welcome the adoption of H.Res.296 Resolution by the House of Representatives of the U.S. Congress on recognizing and condemning the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923 in the Ottoman Empire.

We express our deepest gratitude to members of the U.S. House of Representatives Adam Schiff and Gus Bilirakis for authoring and submitting the resolution, to the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues for its support of the resolution and consistent efforts towards its passing, as well as to all the Congressmen and Congresswomen who voted for the adoption of the resolution.

We convey our congratulations and highest gratitude to the Armenian National Committee of America and the Armenian Assembly of America for their coordinated work with Congressmen, as well as to all those whose consistent efforts led to the adoption of this historic Resolution by the overwhelming majority.

The adoption of the resolution is an important step aimed at thwarting Turkey's attempts to deny the first Genocide of the 20th century and a significant contribution to the universal struggle for preventing such crimes.

We are convinced that the adoption of the Resolution by the House of Representatives of the U.S. Congress on recognizing the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923 in the Ottoman Empire is not only of moral, but also of practical significance – it will contribute to ensuring peace and stability in our region”.