Categories: 2019

Asbarez: ARF Western U.S. Central Committee Commends Passage of H.Res. 296

Armenian Revolutionary Federation

The Armenian Revolutionary Federation Western United States Central Committee commends the U.S. House of Representatives for siding with truth and justice by reaffirming its policy regarding the Armenian Genocide and overwhelmingly passing HR 296, the long overdue resolution recognizing the Armenian Genocide, declaring this to be the official policy of the United States and encouraging education about its historical fact while rejecting any attempts to deny it.

In this victory for truth and justice we acknowledge the tireless efforts of the Armenian National Committee of America and its Eastern and Western regional boards, the plethora of chapters across the states with its multitude of activists and countless supporters whose unwavering dedication and hard work of over forty years realized this victory for the Armenian Cause.

It is evident that once again, as was the case during the devastating earthquake in Armenia, the liberation struggle and independence of Artsakh and the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, our community came together to make its collective voice heard, demanding justice for the Armenian people and realizing this crucial step in furthering the Armenian Cause.

So let us celebrate this victory and reinvigorate our spirit while reaffirming our commitment to staying the course and continuing the struggle for a truly free, independent, and united Armenia.

ARF Western U.S. Central Committee

Raffi Khondkarian: