Categories: 2019

Asbarez: Yerevan, Stepanakert Welcome Passage of Genocide Resolution

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan welcome passage of H.Res 296

Moments after the passage on Tuesday of the Armenian Genocide resolution by the U.S. House of Representatives, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan welcomed the effort calling it a “bold move toward advancing truth and historical justice.”

Pashinyan’s message, which was posted on his Twitter page, was the first official remark from official Yerevan, which was joined by similar announcement from Stepanakert.

“I salute the U.S. Congress’ historic vote recognizing the Armenian Genocide. Resolution 296 is a bold step toward advancing truth and historical justice that also offers comfort to millions of descendants of the Armenian Genocide survivors,” said Pashinyan in his Twitter post.

“My heartfelt congratulations to my Armenian compatriots all over the world and admiration to generations of Armenian-Americans, whose selfless activism and perseverance were the driving force and the inspiration behind today’s historic vote. Never again!” added Pashinyan.

Armenia’s Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanyan was also quick to commend the passage of the H.R. 296, tweeting that “justice and truth [were] consolidated.”

“Thank you US, US Congress. Justice and truth consolidated with historic H. Res. 296. Tribute to memory of victims of Armenian Genocide. Massive message against denialism. Deep gratitude to each of 405 votes. Empowered to work anew for prevention of mass atrocities anywhere in the world,” said Mnatsakanyan in his Twitter post.

In a statement issued on Wednesday, Armenia’s Foreign Ministry expressed “profound” gratitude to U.S. House for its “determined and impressive” vote of H.Res.296, saying the measure was “of profound significance.”

“This Resolution is of profound significance in that it resolves to commemorate the Armenian Genocide through official recognition and remembrance, to reject its denial and encourage the education and understanding of the killing of 1.5 million Armenians by the Ottoman Empire from 1915 to 1923 as a definitive example of genocide of the 20th century,” said Armenia’s foreign ministry.

“Armenia profoundly thanks members of the US House of Representatives for their determined and impressive vote on House Resolution 296, which is an evidence of their overwhelming commitment to truth, justice, humanity and solidarity and to universal values of human rights,” added the foreign ministry, while it reiterated that garnering international recognition for the Armenian Genocide was a high foreign policy priority for Armenia.

“This Resolution is an important contribution to international efforts aimed at preventing new genocides and mass atrocity crimes anywhere in the world, which continue to shatter the conscience of humanity in the present. It is a powerful message against the scourge, the denial and the justification of genocides as it underlines the relevance of the Armenian Genocide to modern day crimes against humanity,” explained Armenia’s foreign ministry.

Armenia’s High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs Zareh Sinanyan welcomed the passage of H.Res. 296 and thanked the “dedicated advocates of the Armenian Cause.”

“The Armenian Genocide is one of the most undeniable pages of world history, the most painful point of our national memory. Because of the Genocide, the majority of Armenian people were deprived of their homeland and spread around the world, creating the Armenian Diaspora. As a result, not only has the genocide of generations not been forgotten, it has also been transformed into a driving force to prove that we are not victims; that we are and are ready to fight for justice,” said Sinanyan.

“The lack of proper condemnation of the Armenian Genocide by the international community set a precedent for subsequent atrocities. Through passing this resolution in the House of Representatives, mankind took another step on the path to respecting international law and the rule of universal values. Let’s hope the resolution gets the same support in the US Senate,” added Sinanyan.

“The process of recognition, condemnation and reparation of the Armenian Genocide is indispensable, and the Republic of Armenia will always maintain the need to condemn the Armenian Genocide on the agenda of its work with the Diaspora and foreign relations,” explained Sinanyan.

Similarly, the Artsakh Foreign Ministry issued a statement welcoming the adoption of the Armenian Genocide resolution. Meanwhile, Artsakh Foreign Minister Masis Mayilyan, who is on a working visit to Washington, attended the House deliberation and vote on H.Res. 296.

Artsakh Foreign Minister Masis Mayilyan with Rep. Frank Pallone after the passage of H,Res. 296

Following the vote, Mayilyan met with members of Congress Frank Pallone and Anna Eshoo and expressed his gratitude to them for their continuned efforts aimed at the recognition of the Armenian Genocide and their crucial contribution to the adoption of the historical Resolution.

“We express our deepest gratitude to members of the U.S. House of Representatives Adam Schiff and Gus Bilirakis for authoring and submitting the resolution, to the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues for its support of the resolution and consistent efforts towards its passing, as well as to all the Congressmen and Congresswomen who voted for the adoption of the resolution,” said the Artsakh foreign ministry.

“We convey our congratulations and highest gratitude to the Armenian National Committee of America and the Armenian Assembly of America for their coordinated work with Congressmen, as well as to all those whose consistent efforts led to the adoption of this historic Resolution by the overwhelming majority,” added the Artsakh foreign ministry.

“The adoption of the resolution is an important step aimed at thwarting Turkey’s attempts to deny the first Genocide of the 20th century and a significant contribution to the universal struggle for preventing such crimes,” the statement said. “We are convinced that the adoption of the Resolution by the House of Representatives of the U.S. Congress on recognizing the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923 in the Ottoman Empire is not only of moral, but also of practical significance – it will contribute to ensuring peace and stability in our region.”

Hagop Kamalian: