Asbarez: HyeCount Census2020 Seeks Organizers

Campaign organizers wanted for HyeCount Census2020 campaign

HyeCount is hiring full-time campaign organizers for its 2020 Census campaign.

The Constitutionally-mandated census carries significant political, economic, and social repercussions, from deciding the number of seats for each state in the U.S. House of Representatives to allocating close to $700 billion in federal funds for housing, education, healthcare, and more to state and local governments, as well as providing grants to community-based organizations.

In order to secure this crucial funding for our community programs, schools, and centers, the Armenian National Committee of America – Western Region has partnered with Census2020 to ensure a complete count of the Armenian-American community through a public education campaign urging community members to identify themselves as Armenian in the Census.

Campaign organizers will be tasked with educating members of the Armenian-American community on the importance of identifying as ‘Armenian’ in the Census so as to maximize the collective voice of our community.

These positions will report to two project coordinators. Campaign organizers will be required to work six days a week (and are free to choose which day they take off), and six-hour days.

Organizer responsibilities will include:

  • Canvassing Armenian households across Los Angeles County to educate families on the Census process, its importance, and how to identify as Armenian;
  • Running regular information sessions at community centers, schools, and other facilities;
  • Regularly manning booths at community events;
  • Preparing daily reports on canvassing;
  • Calling Armenian-American households across Los Angeles County to educate and inform about Census process;
  • Collecting responses from canvassed families;
  • Conducting follow-up calls to ensure a maximum capture rate of Armenian-Americans;
  • Mobilizing and organizing volunteers to assist in canvassing.

Organizer qualifications include:

  • Fluency in Armenian and English;
  • Confident communicator;
  • Possess valid U.S. work authorization;
  • Experience in canvassing or phone-banking strongly preferred.

The ANCA-WR offers competitive hourly rates.

To apply, please send your cover letter and resume by email to [email protected] or fill out the application form.