Categories: 2020

Maestro Tigran Mansurian celebrates 81st anniversary of birth


YEREVAN, JANUARY 27, ARMENPRESS. Concerts, tours, meetings, new works: Armenian renowned composer Tigran Mansurian’s creative life is full of events.

Today, on January 27, Maestro Mansurian is celebrating his 81st birthday, but his age doesn’t hinder the composer to continue actively working. From early morning Mansurian receives congratulations and birthday wishes. He says he will spend his day with family members and friends, but before that he gave a press conference today in ARMENPRESS to present his upcoming programs. He has just returned from abroad, this time his works were performed at a concert in the Czech Republic.

“My Requiem was performed for two days at the city of Brno. An amazing orchestra and choir were participating. Requiem has been performed in many countries of the world. But these two concerts received a particular welcome by the audience. I received a warm welcome by Armenian Ambassador Ashot Hovakimyan”, Mansurian said, adding that he also met with the Armenian community representatives and the Czech reporters.

Tigran Mansurian continues creating and performing his works in different stages of the world. As he describes, today he is engaged in a very heavy work which will be performed in Italy in autumn.

“It’s a great work for the orchestra, choir and soloist. This year the world’s cultural reality is celebrating the jubilee of Dante Alighieri. Proposals were made to three composers so that each of them will write one part of an overall work. The work consists of three parts – hell, purgatory and heaven. Purgatory part was proposed to me, and I agreed. I must complete my work by the end of March”, he said, adding that this work will be performed in three Italian citizens.

The composer informed that he also has other proposals, but still is thinking about them. Mansurian is going to pay much more place to the Armenian poetry in his works.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

Janet Ekmekjian: