Categories: 2020

Macron hopes for progress in Karabakh settlement this spring

PanArmenian, Armenia
Jan 30 2020

PanARMENIAN.Net – French President Emmanuel Macron has said that the February parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan could have a positive impact on the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict and that some progress could be achieved in spring.

Macron made the comments at the annual gala dinner of the Coordination Council of Armenian Organizations of France (CCAF) on Wednesday, January 29, Panorama.am reports.

The French President said he sees a way out after contacts were established between the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan.

According to him, the conflict is also a human drama which keeps people living in Karabakh and adjacent areas in instability and isolation.


Macron said France is there for Armenia, which he said is at the crossroad of great crisis.

French Presidents have traditionally attended CCAF dinners for many years. This year, Turkish historian Taner Akcam was a guest of honor.

The CCAF brings together the biggest political, cultural, educational, religious and social organizations of the Armenian community in France.

Lena Karagyozian: