Macron: No great history is formed on lies, denial and revisionism

Arminfo, Armenia
Jan 30 2020

ArmInfo. France will start legal proceedings against individuals questioning allegations of Armenian genocide during the Ottoman Empire. French President  Emmanuel Macron stated this at an annual dinner organized by the  Coordination Council of Armenian Organizations of France (CCAF).

According to Macron, France will always support the representatives  of the Armenian Diaspora and Armenia.

"The CCAF called for prosecution of those who deny the Armenian  Genocide. Legal procedures are being conducted in this regard," he  added.

Speaking about the international recognition of the Armenian  Genocide, Macron stated that France has been involved in this process  for 19 years.

" The struggle that the Armenians are carrying out for the  recognition of the genocide is also a struggle against silence and  forgetting. As for the issue of truth-seeking, there is a brotherhood  between the Armenian and French peoples. Turkey has based its policy  on revisionism. No great history is formed on lies, denial and  revisionism," Macron said.

Turkish historian Taner Akcam who recognized the Armenian Genocide,  also took part in the event as a guest of honor It is also noteworthy  that yesterday in Paris, a presentation of the French version of the  book of Akcam's "Killing Orders" was held.

It should be noted that a law has already been passed in France  criminalizing the fact of the denial of the Armenian Genocide. The  law was adopted during the presidency of Nicolas Sarkozy, but was  subsequently repealed by the Constitutional Court in view of the fact  that it was recognized as unconstitutional.