Categories: 2020

Armenian opposition MP on PACE and Venice Commission president’s statements

News.am, Armenia
Feb 4 2020
Armenian opposition MP on PACE and Venice Commission president's statements Armenian opposition MP on PACE and Venice Commission president's statements
16:15, 04.02.2020

There were two statements, including one by the co-rapporteurs of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe for monitoring of Armenia and one by President of the Venice Commission Gianni Buquicchio. This is what deputy of the Prosperous Armenia faction of the National Assembly of Armenia, member of the Armenian delegation to the PACE Naira Zohrabyan told reporters today.

According to her, the responses that followed these two statements in Armenia made her recall the past when the former authorities would try to present statements to their benefit. “The authorities and the political opposition each say they destroyed one another, but this isn’t about winning or losing. In both statements, there is a real concern about the situation regarding the Constitutional Court,” she said.

She emphasized that it is necessary to understand that the statements of the two organizations aren’t made to punish or encourage anyone, but rather they are made for drawing conclusions.

When asked if Armenia is obliged to accept these statements, Zohrabyan said there is no obligation, but there is a general rule of the political game. “If Armenia is a member of the Council of Europe and has assumed the commitment to consider the recommendations of the Venice Commission, it has to take them into consideration. Every government and opposition has to draw conclusions,” she said.

Mike Maghakian: