Categories: 2020

SRC: Keeping tax secrecy is not an end in itself for Armenian authorities

Arminfo, Armenia
Feb 4 2020

ArmInfo. For the Armenian authorities, maintaining tax secrets is not an end in itself. This was stated by Chairman of the State Revenue Committee of the Republic  of Armenia David Ananyan at a hearing in the parliamentary commission  on financial-credit and budgetary issues of the National Assembly on  February 4.

According to him, expanding the list of issues related to tax  secrecy, which the group of deputies of the Armenian parliament  insists on, should be the subject of public discussions. Ultimately,  the country's main tax official continued, tax secret is understood  as commercial secret. "More recently, we opened administrative  proceedings in connection with the appeal of one of the business  entities that complained about data leakage to one of our  competitors," said David Ananyan. He also stated that the issue of  maintaining tax secrecy is also a subject of internal security, and  tax officials are personally responsible for this. Nevertheless, the  head of the SRC called for a public discussion on this issue, based  on the results of which, perhaps, a reasonable decision will be made.  "The problem does not rest on whether the SRCemployees are ready or  not to disclose information, but whether the public is ready for  this," said David Ananyan.

It should be noted that at present only the draft amendments to the  law "On Bank Secrecy" are in circulation, according to which the  court will be able to receive information from banks about the  accounts of financial offenders and their relatives. 

Alex Nanijanian: