Analyst: Armenian authorities have no respect towards own public

Panorama, Armenia
Feb 5 2020

The Geneva meeting between the Armenian and Azerbaijani foreign ministers came to dismiss the claims that there are no negotiations or any document on the Artsakh conflict, political analyst Karen Bekaryan told a panel discussion on Wednesday.

"The Geneva meeting showed this, without leaving any room for maneuvers, as the joint statement of five sides has also been signed by the Armenian foreign minister, whereas the statement contains a direct reference to the political process in addition to various settlement mechanisms when talking about principles and elements,” the analyst said.

He noted that the words “principles and elements” were repeatedly used when talking about the Madrid document or its variants.

“In other words, there is a document and a political process, there is even the signature of the foreign minister under it. This clearly shows that the previous statements were nothing more than an attempt to mislead its own society,” Bekaryan said.

He called attention to Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan's statements at the Kapan new conference before the Geneva meeting, describing it absurd when the head of state cites the media when making the information on the negotiations public.

“There is a complete absence of respect toward their own public,” the analyst said, stressing the sooner people realize it, the sooner it will be possible to understand the current challenges and the ways to handle them.