Categories: 2020

Armenian Foreign Minister met with Executive Secretary of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization

Arminfo, Armenia
Feb 10 2020

ArmInfo. On 10 February during a working visit to Austria, Armenian Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanyan in Vienna met with Executive Secretary of the  Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization Lassina Zerbo ,.

According to the press service of the RA MFA, the interlocutors  touched upon the activities of the Organization, its tasks and steps  taken by the international community to solve them. In this context,  the parties emphasized the importance of steps taken to use the  potential of science, in particular, innovation and information  technology, including through a wider involvement of industry  experts.  Zohrab Mnatsakanyan confirmed Armenia's commitment to the  goals of disarmament and non- proliferation of nuclear weapons and  noted that in 2006, having ratified the Treaty on the  Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, Armenia was always in favor of  its ratification by all states.

In the context of discussing the results of work with the  Organization and prospects for expanding cooperation, the Minister  and Executive Secretary Zerbo praised the active participation of  Armenian experts in the work of the Preparatory Committee of the  Organization.

Both sides also noted the importance of strengthening nuclear  security at the national and international levels through the  ratification and implementation of international legal instruments,  as well as the adoption of national legislation. In this regard, the  Armenian Foreign Minister praised the activities of the Garni seismic  station in Armenia, as well as the technical assistance provided by  the Seismic Protection Agency of Armenia in order to build the  capacity of the National Data Center.

Jhanna Virabian: