Asbarez: ABMDR Representatives Visit Western Prelacy

Western Prelate Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian welcomed the visit of Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry representatives to the Prelacy, headed by President Dr. Frieda Jordan. Archpriest Nareg Pehlivaian also joined in the visit, which took place on Wednesday, February 12.

Dr. Jordan first expressed thanks to the Prelate for welcoming the ABMDR members to the Prelacy each year to hear about the organization’s current and future plans. ABMDR members announced the expansion of their endeavors in the past year – now extending to Greece – with immediate plans for further expansion, as well an increase in the number of registered donors. Dr. Jordan referenced the support of community organizations and hospitals in the ABMDR’s success, and expressed her gratitude to the Prelate for bringing awareness to the organization’s mission through the Prelacy and its churches. Finally, the guests reported on their main forthcoming endeavors.

Prelate Mardirossian highly commended the ABMDR’s massive, vast, and valuable work, blessed the devoted service of its members, and concluded by presenting mementos.