Categories: 2020

Media Advocate initiative: Armenian Public TV journalist made political statement

News.am, Armenia
Feb 17 2020
23:01, 17.02.2020

Journalist of Armenian Public Television Anush Muradyan de facto made a political statement when she asked her question. Media Advocate initiative issued a statement on this and urged the journalist to be more alert as it touched upon the political subtext of the question that the particular journalist asked Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Alen Simonyan following the session of Civil Contract Party today.

“The journalist of Armenian Public Television asked Alen Simonyan the following question:

“Tomorrow Ruben Melikyan will be submitting an application to the Central Electoral Commission, they have formed the civil initiative and, in essence, it turns out that they are going to become the supporters of Robert Kocharyan, in a way, they are going to become the ones creating the NO campaign. What do you have to say about this?”

Journalist of Armenian Public Television Anush Muradyan de facto made a political statement when she asked her question. Journalists need to refrain from giving political evaluations, and the journalist of Armenian Public Television needs to be more alert.

Media Advocate initiative urges the publicly-funded television company to follow professional ethics. Such behavior of a journalist is unacceptable,” the statement reads.

Arbi Tashjian: