Rustam Badasyan found it difficult to answer who will consider the issue of the legality of the results of the upcoming referendum

Arminfo, Armenia
Feb 25 2020

ArmInfo. Minister of Justice Rustam Badasyan found it difficult to answer the question of the deputy from the Enlightened Armenia faction Sergey Bagratyan, who  would consider the legality of the results of the upcoming referendum  on constitutional amendments.

He stated that this was a rather tricky question. "If there are  statements, then we will certainly discuss them," Badasyan assured.  However, such an answer did not completely satisfy Bagratyan, who  stated that the minister appeared in parliament precisely to clarify  all tricky issues.

"The only ground on which parliamentary factions can appeal to the  Constitutional Court are violations that can affect the course or  results of the referendum. There are no other grounds for appeal to  the Constitutional Court," the minister emphasized.

Note that the referendum on constitutional amendments will be held on  April 5. The campaign began on February 17 and will last until April  3. The draft amendments to the Constitution provides for the  termination of powers of the Chairman of the Constitutional Court  Hrayr Tovmasyan and members of the court appointed before the reform  of the Constitution in 2015.