Categories: 2020

Iskandaryan: Election results in Artsakh are unpredictable

Arminfo, Armenia
March 5 2020

ArmInfo.  The results of theelections in Artsakh are unpredictable and the likelihood of a  second round remains unclear.

Director of the Caucasus Institute, political scientist Alexander Iskandaryan stated at a March 5 press conference.

As an expert put it, the election campaign in Artsakh is  unpredictable, and is developing in the spirit of a developed  democratic process. Moreover, its uniqueness, as he said, is that it  is transparent, vibrant and sharp at the same time. Regarding the  possible impact of the election results on relations between Armenia  and Artsakh, Iskandaryan here pointed out the current difficulties of  mutual understanding at the level of leadership of both States. The  expert connects this situation with the fact that the current  authorities of Armenia associate the ruling elite of Artsakh with the  previous government. Meanwhile, in his opinion, after the change of  power in Artsakh, the relationship between the two ruling elites will  return to their previous course.

Presidential and parliamentary elections will be held in Artsakh on  March 31 this year. Ruslan Israelyan from the Generation of  Independence party, Vitaliy Balasanyan from Justice, Ashot Ghulyan  from the Democratic Party of Artsakh, Hayk Khanumyan from the  National Revival, Arayik Harutyunyan from the Free Homeland  Party-United Civil Alliance Party (UCAP) bloc ,David Babayan from the < Conservative Party of Artsakh>, David Ishkhanyan from the ARF < Dashnaktsutyun>, Vahan Badasyan from <United Armenia>, as well as  self-nominees Masis Mayilyan, Sergey Amiryan, Kristin Balayan, Bella  Lalayan, Melsik Poghosyan and Ashot Dadayan.

Hovik Karapetian: