Categories: 2020

Vladimir Solovyov posts video of incident with Armenia PM on Telegram page

News.am, Armenia
March 6 2020
00:05, 07.03.2020

Famous Russian journalist Vladimir Solovyov has posted on his Telegram page the video of the incident with Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan in a metro wagon in Yerevan.

“Today Pashinyan went to the metro and called on people to participate in the referendum and met a young woman who disliked Pashinyan’s populism and the referendum. The young woman ripped the passport of a proud citizen that Pashinyan was handing out and returned it to the Prime Minister.

Our song is dedicated to the madness of the brave©,” the note reads.

As reported earlier, an incident took place at Yerevan Metro today. When Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan’s was handing out booklets reading “YES” to passengers in a metro wagon as part of his election campaign, a female passenger ripped the booklet and threw it at the Prime Minister.

Pashinyan was rather calm.

“Everything is fine. We respect your opinion. This is what democracy is all about,” the Prime Minister said.

Lilit Nahapetian: