Azerbaijani press: State Border Service: Azerbaijani soldier killed in ceasefire violation by Armenia

BAKU, Azerbaijan, March 5


The Armenian Armed Forces have once again committed a provocation by flagrantly violating ceasefire on the Azerbaijan-Armenia state border, Trend reports referring to the press service of Azerbaijan’s State Border Service.

On March 5, at 19:10 (GMT +4), Azerbaijani border guard, soldier Orkhan Pashazade was injured as a result of sniper shelling in the direction of Gushchu Ayrim village of Azerbaijan’s Gazakh district. He was immediately taken to the Gazakh Diagnostic Center, but doctors could not save his life.

Responsibility for the killing of a soldier of the State Border Service, who was guarding the internationally recognized borders of Azerbaijan, is on Armenian political and military leadership.

In connection with the incident necessary measures are being taken.