Categories: 2020

Georgian and Armenian citizens to cross the border via ID cards

Agenda.ge, Georgia
March 5 2020
 Agenda.ge, 5 Mar 2020 – 11:00, Tbilisi,Georgia            

Georgian and Armenian citizens will be able to cross the border between the two states with the use of ID cards only as per of the agreement signed during the visit of Armenian PM Nikol Pashinyan in Georgia earlier this week. 

  • Armenian PM at meeting with Georgian PM in Tbilisi:“Our relationship with Georgia is special”

It has not been announced so far when the agreement will come into play. 

As of now Georgian and Armenian citizens are able to cross the border with the use of passports. 

While in Tbilisi on March 3-4 Pashinyan met with top Georgian officials and ethnic Armenians living in the country. 

  • President Zurabishvili, Armenian PM Pashinyan discuss "stability and peace" in region

to the question asked by one of ethnic Armenian students in Georgia concerning the ‘repatriation of Armenians living in Georgia,” Pashinyan responded that using the word  repatriation towards the Armenians living in Georgia ‘seems strange to me.’ 

I believe that Armenians living in Georgia live in their homeland and they should be proud of the citizenship of Georgia. It is a very important status  and we should be interested in Georgia to be a strong and a developed country. For its part Georgia should also be interested in Armenia to be strong and developed,” Pashinyan said. 

Pashinyan was invited to Georgia by Prime Minister Giorgi Gakharia. 

Yeghisabet Arthur: