Georgian, Armenian PMs Emphasize Friendly Relations between two Countries

Georgia Today
March 3 2020

A face-to-face meeting between Prime Minister Giorgi Gakharia and Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan was held at the government administration.

At the meeting, the Head of Government thanked his Armenian counterpart for accepting the invitation and for his official visit and emphasized the friendly relations between the two countries.

“I'm glad to host you in Georgia. We work daily to deepen friendly and neighborly relations between Georgia and Armenia. We have always agreed that high-level meetings are the basis for governments to work effectively. My visit to Yerevan was very productive and impressive and today we will talk about its results in the working regime. I am sure that your visit today will bring more results for the friendly and effective cooperation between our people.

"We live in a difficult region and our governments are well aware that peace and stability are the basis for the development of our countries. First, we must look for peace and then for the economic, cultural development, education, and all the areas we are discussing today. By the unwavering determination of the Georgian people, Euro-Atlantic integration is its guarantee for peace, stability, and security and we are progressing in this direction.

"I am convinced that close and effective cooperation within the Eastern Partnership is important for both countries. Ultimately, our goal is to further deepen neighborly relations between our nations in all areas that concern our population. I am sure we will take another successful step in implementing this plan today,” the Georgian Prime Minister said.

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia also stressed the good neighborly relations between Georgia and Armenia.

“Thank you very much for the invitation and the warm welcome. Our countries have deep cultural, economic and historical ties. The continuation of our relations with Georgia is strategically important. We have opportunities and areas for wider relationship development.

"We consider the path of democratic development of our countries to be an even more important factor in the development of our peoples' relations. This, along with many other factors, is another cornerstone of our development. Relations with Georgia have moved to a qualitatively different level over the past year and a half, and we believe that this meeting will further strengthen it. We comply with all points of our agreements. I am very pleased to visit Georgia. Our meetings are the basis for bringing our nations closer together,” Pashinyan said.

After the face-to-face conversation, an extended format of talks was also held, with members of the two countries' governments participating in it. 

In the course of the conversation, the parties discussed all the major areas of cooperation and reaffirmed their readiness for intensive bilateral political dialogue.

They also focused on the prospects of development of trade-economic relations between the two countries and active cooperation in the fields of transport, energy, tourism, culture, education, innovation and more.

By Ana Dumbadze