Categories: 2020

In parliament of Armenia, the temperature of all employees and visitors will be measured

Arminfo, Armenia
March 2 2020

ArmInfo. Starting Monday in the parliament of Armenia   the temperature of all employees and visitors will be measured. David Karapetyan, Advisor to the Chairman of the  National Assembly, announced this on his Facebook page.

Karapetyan stated that antibacterial hand sanitizers (alcogel) were  placed on all floors of the parliament. He asked everyone to be  conscious and respect the rules of maintaining health and hygiene.

It should be noted that on March 1, the first case of a new type of  Coronavirus was detected in Armenia.  The patient, a 29-year-old man,  arrived by plane from Tehran to Yerevan on February 28. At the time  of the flight, the epidemiologist found no symptoms of Coronavirus  among the passengers. The patient already from the house turned to  the doctors, and was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. Tests  confirmed Coronavirus. Meanwhile, the condition of the newcomer is  assessed as good, and already the day before he had no temperature.   We add that the service <hotline> – 8003 is available around the  clock in the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Armenia. For  questions of the epidemiological situation, you can contact the  National Center for Disease Control and Prevention by calling 010 55  06 01, 010 55 03 06, 010 55 03 07.  It should be noted that, unlike  the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, it is very  difficult to find alcogel in the pharmacies of Armenia.

Paul Hambardsumian: