PM: Armenia is in situation that we have drunk headache drug, pain is going away, Armenia

16:27, 11.03.2020

During the YES campaign—in the forthcoming referendum on constitutional amendments—in Sisian town, Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan referred to the remark that if there were so many positive changes in the country, why people do not feel it first-hand.

"First, people feel it; but I want us to compare this situation with the situation of a person with a headache," he said. “Now Armenia is in the situation that we have drunk the headache drug, but that pain is in the process of going away. Do not doubt that the pain will go away."

"It was convenient for the former political system that the citizen be meager, because the more meager, the better," he added. "Because if a person is not surprised to see 5,000 or 10,000 drams, he will not vote with election bribe."