Azerbaijani press: Armenian Army sustain 597 losses over last nine years

Tue 10 Mar 2020 16:37 GMT | 20:37 Local Time

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Editor-in-Chief of the military-analytical website Shahin Gojayev announced the statistics of deaths among the military servicemen of the Armenian army as of 2010-2019.

The leading cause of increasing death rates, suicides, and accidents in the Armenian armed forces is the lack of moral values in the hostile army, Gojayev told Report.

According to him, the growing crimes in the Armenian armed forces stem from the poor relations between officers and soldiers. "The only reason for dedovshchina (bullying of junior conscripts), and indiscipline in the army is not soldiers, but officers. They create conditions for such cases, which leads to disunity and deaths," Gojayev added.

The hostile army suffered 597 losses in the past nine years, he said.

"In 2010-2015, the Armenian army experienced 67 incidents, 106 provocation attempts, 48 suicides, 43 deliberate murders. Consequently, 264 servicemen died within five years, which means the loss of almost two divisions and two battalions on the scale of the hostile units. In 2016, along with the killing of hundreds of Armenian soldiers in April battles,162 others became victims of indiscipline, sabotage attempt, accidents, and others. The figure is 59, 63 and 49 in 2017, 2018, and 2019 accordingly," Gojayev stressed.