Categories: 2020

Moscow urges Karabakh conflict parties to show restraint

Arminfo, Armenia

ArmInfo. The Russian Foreign Ministry commented on the latest tension on the Armenian-Azerbaijani state border.  So, on March 12, during a weekly briefing, answering  the corresponding question, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman  Maria Zakharova noted that Moscow was monitoring the situation in the  Karabakh conflict zone.

"Unfortunately, there was a violation of the ceasefire on the  Armenian-Azerbaijani border, resulting in deaths and injuries. I  would like to express my condolences to the families and friends of  the victims. We urge the parties to exercise restraint, refrain from  using force, intensify the negotiation process, aimed at achieving  settlement by political means, "said Zakharova, while assuring that  Moscow is closely monitoring this topic and, if necessary, makes  comments.

To recall, on March 10 at about 3:30 p.m., a contract serviceman of  the Armed Forces of Armenia, solider Zohrab Sianosyan, born in 1984,  was killed at a sniper shot at Armenian positions located in the  south- eastern direction of the Armenian-Azerbaijani state border.   In this regard, the Armenian Foreign Ministry issued a statement  accusing Baku of trying to deliberately aggravate the situation on  the Armenian-Azerbaijani border. "Azerbaijan's periodic attempts to  aggravate the situation on the border with Armenia, to expand the  geography of tension, and not apply existing mechanisms to reduce  escalation, indicate that Azerbaijan's steps to destabilize regional  security and peace are deliberate. Such actions by Azerbaijan suggest  that the introduction of international mechanisms to reduce the risks  of the Karabakh peace process is an important priority, and the  implementation of existing agreements in this direction is necessary  my conditions for the further strengthening of the peace process ",  the Foreign Ministry of Armenia said.

To note that since the beginning of March, there had been an  escalation of the conflict on the Armenian- Azerbaijani state border.  According to the Armenian side as a result of the shootings, one  soldier was killed and another one was injured.  The Azerbaijani side  also reported the death of two soldiers. The Armenian Armed Forces  also prevented an attempt to sabotage the enemy in the Tavush  direction of the state border.

Garnik Zakarian: