Categories: 2020

State Department: Armenia experiences significant problems with independence of judiciary

News.am, Armenia
12:43, 12.03.2020

Armenia's significant human rights issues included torture; arbitrary detention, harsh and life-threatening prison conditions, 2019 Reports on Human Rights Practices reads.

The report was issued by the State Department on March 11. The report also refers to the 2018 parliamentary elections in Armenia that were held with respect for fundamental freedoms.

“Significant human rights issues included: torture; arbitrary detention, although with fewer reports; harsh and life-threatening prison conditions; arbitrary interference with privacy; significant problems with the independence of the judiciary; crimes involving violence or threats of violence targeting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or intersex (LGBTI) persons; and use of forced or compulsory child labor,” the report says.

“The government took steps to investigate and punish alleged abuses by former and current government officials and law enforcement authorities. For example, throughout the year, an investigation continued into the culpability of former high-ranking government officials surrounding events that led to the deaths of eight civilians and two police officers during postelection protests in 2008.”

The report also mentions deaths in the army. It is noted that human rights NGOs voiced concern regarding the Defense Ministry’s classification of military deaths and the practice of qualifying many noncombat deaths as suicides, making it less likely that abuses would be uncovered and investigated. In response to demands from families whose sons died in the army under noncombat conditions, the government established a working group consisting of NGOs and individual experts to examine five past cases and identify systemic problems.

Varazdat Torgomian: