Categories: 2020

Yerevan accuses Azerbaijani President of irresponsible behavior

Arminfo, Armenia

ArmInfo. In Yerevan, they reacted to the statements of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev at the first meeting of the new convocation of the Milli Majlis.   Thus, the press secretary of the Armenian Foreign Ministry, Anna  Naghdalyan, responding to Aliyev's remarks regarding Armenia, in  particular, noted:

"The President of Azerbaijan made an extensive  speech at the first meeting of the new parliament, which clearly  expressed hatred of Armenia and the Armenian people. Azerbaijani  authorities are trying hide the low level of legitimacy of the recent  parliamentary elections, the inability to carry out political and  democratic reforms behind aggressive, baseless and fictitious  statements, which apart from Armenia and Armenia and retirement homes  of the people, are also sent to European countries, European  institutions, international observation missions, monitoring  elections in Azerbaijan ".

At the same time, Naghdalyan expressed particular concern about the  fact that the Azerbaijani authorities are trying to play the  religious card in their baseless accusations, on the one hand  accusing European countries of violating the rights of migrants on  religious grounds, and on the other – voicing calls for religious  solidarity in the context of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict .

"The propaganda of a hostile attitude towards the Armenian people by  the President of Azerbaijan, accompanied by new historical and  geographical" discoveries, "fundamentally contradicts Azerbaijan's  commitments in recent years to create favorable conditions and  prepare peoples for peace.  From this point of view, it must be noted  that the low level of democracy and the protection of human rights  seriously hinder the advancement of the peace process on the  Nagorno-Karabakh settlement, in particular, the implementation of the  agreements reached within the framework of this process.  The  attempts of the top leadership of Azerbaijan to legitimize themselves  by spreading hatred towards the people of the neighboring state and  distrust of the international community are irresponsible and can  jeopardize peace and security in the region, "the Armenian Foreign  Ministry spokeswoman summed up.  Recall that Aliyev during his speech  to the new parliament, referring to the Karabakh conflict, pointed  out the importance of intensifying efforts in all organizations and  conducting offensive diplomacy. "In connection with international  activities, I want to say that our deputies are represented in  several international organizations. Of course, activity there was  quite high in previous years. And now it should be even higher,  because we must bring the realities of Azerbaijan. Especially we must  bring the historical the realities connected with the  Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The Armenian side cannot put forward a  single serious argument against our arguments, because the truth is  on our side. After I said in Munich about Kurekchaysko I'm aware of a  peace treaty in Armenia, I know that this treaty is being crammed in.  It is clearly indicated who, when concluded this treaty. And there is  no talk of the Armenian people there. On the one hand, Russian  General Tsitsianov, and on the other, Ibrahim Khan, moreover, Ibrahim  Khan <Karabakh Shushinsky> is written in Russian. Here's the real  story, "Aliyev assured, while once again deciding to attribute all  the historical territories of Armenia to Azerbaijan, which was  created as a state in the early 20th century.

Garnik Tadevosian: