Categories: 2020

Azerbaijani press: Azerbaijani foreign ministry: it took Armenia four days to understand president’s speech

BAKU, Azerbaijan, Mar.14


It took Armenian Foreign Ministry four days to understand the speech of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev at the Parliament and prepare a statement, Spokesperson for the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry Leyla Abdullayeva told Trend.

“At the first meeting of the Parliament, President Ilham Aliyev made a keynote speech, and, as always, the president delivered it without looking at any notes. During the speech, the head of state, referring to historical facts, delivered another strike at Armenia. In particular, the president referred to the Kurekchay Treaty of 1805. We recommend the Armenian Foreign Ministry to study the Kurekchay Treaty; it would even be useful to prepare a brochure on this agreement. Their scrutiny of this treaty would allow to move to the conclusion of a peace agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan," Abdullayeva noted.

According to her, everyone who reads this historical treatise sees that Nagorno-Karabakh is Azerbaijan's native land.

“On the one hand, the agreement was signed by Ibrahim-Khalil Khan, governor of Garabakh Khanate, and on the other hand, by Tsitsianov, Russia's High Commissioner of the Caucasus. As the President Ilham Aliyev said, the Kurekchay Treaty does not contain even a sentence about the Armenian people or community. The president’s words about toponyms reflect the whole truth. In this regard, it is enough to look at maps and web-resources so that the Armenian side can find out the true facts; for example, Yeghegnadzor’s original name is Keshishkend, the Hrazdan River’s original name is Zangi, and the Sevan Lake is historically Azerbaijani lake of Goycha ", said Abdullayeva.

The spokesperson for the Azerbaijani MFA emphasized that in his speech, President Ilham Aliyev also touched on issues related to the Republican Party of Armenia.

"The coat of arms of the Republican Party, which has long been in power in Armenia, was identical to Nazi symbols. However, the statement by the Armenian Foreign Ministry did not mention this fact; it was simply passed over in silence. In Armenia, former government officials and ex-presidents of this country have been prosecuted and arrested. Robert Kocharyan has been detained for a year on a number of charges, and Sargsyan is accused of corruption," the spokesperson added.

"In fact, these two people should be prosecuted for the Khojaly genocide of 1992 and crimes against humanity. Talking about democracy in the context of the detention of one ex-president and the prosecution of another is ridiculous and absurd. Recently, the head of the Armenian government has filed accusation against judge of the Constitutional Court for an expensive pen, and a nationwide referendum is being organized. This policy, pursued by the Armenian government, is in fact a big attack on democracy," Abdullayeva noted.

According to her, the shameful actions of the Armenian prime minister in the subway clearly show how much disrespectful he is in the country.

“People don’t even greet him, and the fact that a young woman throws a sheet of paper torn by her in his face demonstrates to what extent he lost respect of others. Islamophobia and xenophobia blossom in Armenia, where 99.9 percent of the population are Armenians, while Azerbaijan is a multi-confessional and multi-ethnic state”, Abdullayeva said.

“In his speech, President Ilham Aliyev mentioned the statements on this issue by world religious leaders, in particular the Pope, made in connection with Azerbaijan. At the same time, so far we have never heard from the world religious leaders a word about multi-confessionality in Armenia. This is because Armenia, in fact, pursues a fascist and xenophobic policy”, the spokesperson noted.

“All these years, Armenian youth has been brought up in the spirit of the fascism ideology. Presentation by Armenia of itself as a long-suffering nation is nothing but self-humiliation and speculation with a false history. It's no secret for anyone that the current government of Armenia is illegitimate," she said.

The spokesperson for the Foreign Ministry stressed that the ongoing repressions conducted by the Armenian authorities against their political rivals openly demonstrate their anti-democratic and anti-human nature.

"As for Azerbaijan’s ties with European structures, President Ilham Aliyev positively assessed Azerbaijan’s ties with the European Union. Azerbaijan will continue to expose those individuals in some European structures who, under the influence of Armenia, are carrying out dirty intentions regarding Azerbaijan," Abdullayeva noted.

“We would advise Armenian MFA not to interfere in relations between Azerbaijan and European structures. We know well that Armenia's negotiations with the agencies and with other partners fully contradict each other. Even during contacts with Europe, Armenia comes out with the allegation that if there weren’t some of its allies and partners, the country would be yet closer to Europe. This is another example of a hypocritical policy pursued by Armenia”, the spokesperson said.

“The fact that the Armenian Foreign Ministry was able to write just a single piece of paper in four days speaks about limited intellectual capacities. All of the above are signs that Armenia is pursuing an irresponsible and dangerous policy. This very policy pursued by Armenia poses a serious threat to the regional security. If such irresponsible behavior continues, then Armenia will bear the full responsibility for the aggravation of the situation," Abdullayeva added.

Hovsep Chakrian: