Number of coronavirus infections in Armenia grows to 26

JAM News

The total count changed throughout the day: at first three new cases were reported, later the presence of the virus was confirmed in three more

UPDATE – 20:30

Another three people in Armenia have tested positive for the coronavirus, just hours after it was reported that the total number of infected individuals had risen by another three to 23.

Five of those who were infected were already in isolation.

The other [sixth] case was recorded in Meghri, in a citizen who recently returned from Italy,” wrote Health Minister Arsen Torosyan on his Facebook page.

Now the circle of communication of the Meghri resident is being identified, and all who had contact with him will also be isolated.


The number of coronavirus infected in Armenia increased to 23 on March 15.

All three who have been diagnosed with the disease were among those in contact with a woman who came with the virus from Italy, and they were already isolated.

This woman decided not to isolate herself despite having a temperature and other symptoms of the disease.

During the 10 days before the virus was discovered in her, she attended a number of crowded events – including a wedding engagement. Several dozen people invited to this celebration are in quarantine, some were infected.

Among the infected, which became known on March 14, there is a schoolboy. He is already receiving treatment at the hospital; the classmates and teachers with whom he spoke have been isolated.