Pashinyan releases draft declaration of April 5 referendum during campaign in Goris



 11:52, 11 March, 2020

GORIS, MARCH 11, ARMENPRESS. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, representative of the YES campaigning side, today released the draft declaration of the April 5 referendum on Constitutional amendments during a campaign in Goris town.

“After the 2018 Velvet, peaceful revolution in Armenia there is a topic which is constantly under circulation according to which it is necessary to give a political assessment to the previous leadership. Currently we have created a declaration of the referendum which will give a political assessment to the political processes that have taken place in Armenia in the past 30 years”, the PM said, while reading the text of the draft in Goris.

The first point of the declaration states that starting from 1995 up to the 2018 Revolution, except from the 1999 parliamentary elections, all the remaining national elections didn’t express people’s free will. The declaration also touches upon the corruption system and other topics in Armenia before the Velvet revolution.

Pashinyan informed that before March 31 the citizens can present their proposals over the draft declaration to the YES staff.

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan started on March 10 the campaign for YES vote in the upcoming referendum which is scheduled on April 5. The PM started his campaign from Syunik province. He is accompanied by his spouse Anna Hakobyan, Minister of education Arayik Harutyunyan, Minister of territorial administration Suren Papikyan and My Step faction head Lilit Makunts. The April 5 referendum proposes to suspend the powers of the President and 6 judges of the Constitutional Court.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan