Azerbaijani press: Azerbaijan abolishes Special State Security Service

Mon 16 Mar 2020 19:05 GMT | 23:05 Local Time

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Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev signed a decree on improving management in the field of special state protection.

The Azerbaijani Special State Security Service has been abolished upon the document.

In accordance with the decree, the Azerbaijani Presidential Security Service, the Special Communication and Information Security State Service and the State Agency for the Protection of Strategic Facilities have been established.

The Azerbaijani Presidential Security Service, the Special Communication and Information Security State Service and the State Agency for the Protection of Strategic Facilities have been instructed to submit proposals to the Azerbaijani president in connection with the relevant provisions, structures and draft lists of senior officers’ positions, including the number of servicemen and employees.

Before the relevant provisions were approved, the Azerbaijani Presidential Security Service, the Special Communication and Information Security State Service and the State Agency for the Protection of Strategic Facilities were instructed to ensure fulfillment of the obligations stipulated in the relevant parts of the "Regulation on the Azerbaijani Special State Protection Service", approved upon the Azerbaijani president’s decree #794 dated December 26, 2012.

The Cabinet of Ministers has been instructed to submit a bill on the status of the Azerbaijani National Guard to the president within two months and to resolve other issues arising from this decree.