Categories: 2020

EC to allocate EU2 million for "strengthening freedom" of media in Armenia

Arminfo, Armenia

ArmInfo. The European Commission intends to allocate 2 million euros to non-profit  organizations established in the European Union to "strengthen freedom" of media in Armenia. This is stated in a new EC tender, the text of which was reviewed by RT.

"The global goal of this call for proposals is to contribute to the  consolidation of democracy, the development of a vibrant media  environment and the support of media freedoms by encouraging the  creation of an independent, professional, more innovative and  financially sustainable media sector in Armenia," the document  states.

According to the rules of participation in the grant competition, one  of the areas of activity under the project is the implementation of  measures aimed at increasing the number of journalistic materials,  the purpose of which is to increase the level of media literacy,  promote a deeper understanding of critical thinking and fight against  misinformation.

Also, initiatives that claim to participate in the project can be  aimed at improving the methods and standards of professional  journalism and a number of other goals.

It is expected that the result of the program will be strengthening  the capacity of the media and civil society organizations <in  facilitating dialogue on political issues, in particular in the field  of the free exchange of diverse information>, as well as increasing  the access of citizens of the country to <independent and reliable  sources of information>.

As stated in the document, NGOs established in the European Union in  cooperation with at least two organizations, co-applicants created in  Armenia, can apply for a grant.

Earlier it was reported that the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights  and Labor Relations of the US State Department plans to allocate more  than $ 640 thousand to develop a culture of democracy in Armenia. The  allocated funds, as specified, will be used to increase the  resilience of the population of the republic "to negative influence." 

Vanyan Gary: