Armenia`s Parliament in the first reading adopted a bill on criminal liability for violation of self-isolation

Arminfo, Armenia

ArmInfo.By the decision of the Chairman of the National Assembly Mirzoyan, in accordance with Article 100 of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia and  Article 41 of the RA Constitutional Law "Rules of Procedure of the  National Assembly" on March 20, an extraordinary sitting of the  National Assembly was convened on the agenda "Package of draft laws  on introducing amendments to the RA Criminal Code and the RA Code of  Administrative Offenses (first, second reading)".

The parliament adopted a draft decision of the National Assembly "On  a special procedure for discussing the issue of an extraordinary  sitting of the National Assembly convened on ",  according to which the second reading of the issue will be organized  on March 23, at 11:00am.

Deputy Minister of Justice of Armenia Vahe Danielyan, head of the  Bright Armenia faction Edmon Marukyan spoke on the agenda of the  meeting.

In the closing statement, the Deputy Minister of Justice of the  Republic of Armenia Danielyan addressed the issues of concern to the  MPs and emphasized that, based on the situation, the requirements are  changing every minute. 102 MPs voted in favor of the draft law.

To note, according to the government's initiative for violating the  requirements of the isolation regime, a citizen faces a fine of 300  to 500-fold of the minimum wage.

Thus, during a state of emergency, violation by individuals and legal  entities of restrictions on the publication or dissemination of  information regarding information on coronavirus will be punished by  a fine in the amount of 50 to 300 times the minimum wage. Moreover,  in the event that a violation of the requirements of isolation or  self-isolation leads to a mass illness of the population, a citizen  will be punished by arrest for up to 3 months or imprisonment for up  to 5 years.

The parliament will continue the work of the extraordinary meeting on  March 23, at 11:00am.