Categories: 2020

About 80% of Armenian schoolchildren included in distance education programs

Arminfo, Armenia

ArmInfo. On March 27, at the initiative of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia, a remote working discussion took place.  Minister Araik Harutyunyan, deputy ministers Arthur Martirosyan and  Zhanna Andreasyan, as well as more than three dozen representatives  of partner organizations took part in it. This was reported by the  press service of the ministry.

Harutyunyan, in particular, drew attention to the steps taken by the  ministry in connection with the current situation with the  coronavirus in the country. In particular, the National Center for  Educational Technologies launched a comprehensive page of distance  education resources, and also prepared video lessons for students  that are distributed daily through the official page of the Ministry  of Education on Facebook. In addition, thanks to the Public  Television Company, video lessons have become available to everyone.  It was also noted that about 4 thousand teachers applied for the  acquisition of distance learning skills.

In turn, Andreasyan informed that about 80% of schoolchildren are  included in the initiated distance education programs. Meanwhile, the  ministry is working on the search for solutions to existing problems.   Thus, the department needs support to help children from socially  disadvantaged families to be involved in distance learning through  the provision of appropriate equipment and access to the Internet.  She noted the importance of children with disabilities being involved  in distance learning.

Representatives of partner organizations praised the activities  undertaken by the ministry. It was agreed that each structure will  submit a proposal for its program support, which the Ministry of  Education will discuss with the Commandant's Office in the future. 

Markos Nalchajian: