Categories: 2020

Armen Sarkissian: Development of Armenia was a primary objective for Patrick Devedjian

News.am, Armenia
18:00, 29.03.2020

President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian has sent a condolence message on the occasion of the death of Patrick Devedjian.

The message reads as follows:

“I am shocked by the news about the death of prominent French-Armenian politician, President of the General Council of the Hauts-de-Seine Department of France, ex-minister Patrick Devedjian.

France and Armenia lost one of their best sons.

Patrick Devedjian was a brilliant politician and individual who was correct, educated and responsible with his words and actions. He was also one of the tribunes of the French-Armenians, an unwavering defender of the Armenian Cause, and his voice was heard at the national and international levels.

After Armenia declared its independence, Patrick Devedjian became one of the architects of the special relations between France and Armenia. Armenia’s development was a primary objective for him, and he contributed to this with his specific actions and projects.

I express my deep condolences to Patrick Devedjian’s wife, sons, grandchildren, relatives, as well as the Armenians of France and the entire Armenian nation.”

Parkev Tvankchian: