Categories: 2020

PM: Georgia, Russia to secure ‘green zone’ for Armenian cargo transportation

News.am, Armenia
PM: Georgia, Russia to secure 'green zone' for Armenian cargo transportation PM: Georgia, Russia to secure 'green zone' for Armenian cargo transportation
20:59, 29.03.2020

Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan today had a meeting with the heads of large importing and exporting companies, as reported the Department of Information and Public Relations of the Office of the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister stated the following: “First, I would like to thank you for continuing to work as regularly as possible in spite of all the difficulties. I can say that over the past couple of days, Armenia has worked with Georgia and Russia and reached agreement according to which both Georgia and Russia will secure a so-called ‘green zone’ for cargo transportation from the Eurasian Economic Union, that is, there will be a separate zone for Armenian cargo to pass through Georgia and Upper Lars checkpoint. Of course, this is an agreement that has yet to be implemented.

Since Russia is rapidly making decisions on various restrictions and this may cause some panic in Armenia, particularly among consumers, it is very important to state that Armenia has reached an agreement according to which the restrictions won’t concern the Eurasian Economic Union or at least Armenia.”

The Prime Minister emphasized that the mentioned agreement is specific and final and added that, taking into consideration the problem with supply of products, Russia is also interested in the regular supply of products to stores and consumer markets.

Nikol Pashinyan stated that he receives the statistics on imports on a daily basis and added that Armenia has sufficient resources.

Afterwards, the representatives of the importing and exporting companies presented the problems and difficulties caused by the coronavirus situation and made proposals. In their turn, Minister of Economy Tigran Khachatryan and Chairman of the State Revenue Committee Davit Ananyan provided clarifications.

The Prime Minister assigned the Minister of Economy to present a mechanism for staying in contact with businessmen that will allow to respond to the businessmen’s problems and find operative solutions as soon as possible. Nikol Pashinyan emphasized that, taking into consideration the foreign currency and logistics issues, the government has approved a number of anti-epidemic action plans for neutralization of the consequences of the coronavirus.

Elizabeth Jabejian: