Categories: 2020

Robert Kocharyan addresses people of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic

News.am, Armenia
13:07, 29.03.2020

First President of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and second President of the Republic of Armenia Robert Kocharyan has addressed a message to the people of the Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh Republic) which reads as follows:

“Dear people of Artsakh,

During these crucial days, I am addressing you to share my thoughts and concerns with you.

The Republic of Armenia followed the example of several countries and declared a state of emergency to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus pandemic. Artsakh has not reported any case of coronavirus yet, but the close cooperation between Armenia and Artsakh clearly entails risks. This sparks deep concern since the pandemic can spread quickly and take many lives. The spread of the pandemic can also deal a serious blow to our security, especially in the current geopolitical situation.

In this sense, the authorities of Artsakh have to make decisions responsibly and place the security of Artsakh and the safety of its people above everything else.

In this situation, what is also important is the consolidation of the people. It is clear that the election campaign entailed certain objective difficulties. I am addressing the candidates and the population of Artsakh to be maximally responsible and show restraint to overcome these serious and pan-national challenges with honor.

As I was following the events and developments this past month, once again, I became convinced that Artsakh needs a leader with a heroic past and a leader who will be able to make decisions responsibly. I hope the people of Artsakh elect a person who has proved his unconditional dedication to the independence of Artsakh through the life he or she has lived.

Dear people of Artsakh, during these crucial days, I wish you unbreakable will and unity.”

Emma Nadirian: