Categories: 2020

Armenia is second after Iran in region in share of coronavirus infected in total population

Arminfo, Armenia

ArmInfo.Armenia is the second after Iran in the region in the share of new-type coronavirus infected (COVID-19) in the total population.

So, according to official data in Armenia on the morning of March 30,  58 new cases of infection with a new type of coronavirus were  registered. Thus, the total number of infected reached 482 people,  while 30 people have already been cured, 3 fatalities have been  recorded. A negative result was recorded in 2216 test cases.  449  patients are in institutional care. Given the official population  data of 2.959 million (data for 2019), the percentage of infected  people is 0.02% of the total population of the country.

Only Iran with a population of 83.993 million (for 2019) is ahead of  Armenia in these statistics, where the number of cases of coronavirus  infection increased to 41495 (or 0.05% of the population), deaths -  up to 2757, 13911 cases of recovery were recorded.

Turkey is on the third line. According to statistics, on an early  morning on March 30, in Turkey with a population of 84.339 million  (for 2019), a total of 9217 cases of coronavirus (+1815 per day) or  0.01% of the total population were recorded. Statistics of the  deceased cases is 131(+23 per day), 105 people have recovered.

In neighboring Georgia, the number of people infected with  coronavirus has increased to 97 people. "There are 97 confirmed cases  of infection, among them 18 have recovered, 4,876 in quarantine ,  under the supervision of doctors in hospital -264 people," the  Georgian government's special website said in a statement. This is  despite the fact that according to official data, the population of  Georgia is 3.799 million (for 2019), in relation to which the  proportion of people infected with coronavirus is 0.003%.  

In Azerbaijan, with a population of 10.383 million people, according  to official data for March 29, the number of people infected with  coronavirus reached 190 people, or 0.002% of the total population.

At the same time, 4 cases of deaths were recorded, 15 people have  recovered. It should be noted that of the above countries, the most  reluctant to provide information about the sick is precisely the  Azerbaijani authorities.  There are fears that authorities  deliberately hide the real picture of the spread of a pandemic in the  country.  Thus, in the region, in terms of the percentage of infected  people in the total population, Iran leads (0.05%), followed by  Armenia (0.02%), Turkey (0.01%), Georgia (0.003%), Azerbaijan  (0.002%) ) 

To note, according to official figures, Turkey ranked the 13th in the  entire world in the number of cases of coronavirus.  According to  Worldometers, coronavirus has spread to 199 countries and  territories. In total, 721.956 cases of coronavirus were recorded.  33.966 people died, 151? 312 recovered.  The largest number of deaths  from coronavirus is in Italy (10,779), Spain (6803) and China (3300). 

Raffi Khondkarian: