Categories: 2020

Armenia parliament majority: Sometimes we are under total oversight because of our behavior

News.am, Armenia
15:22, 30.03.2020

YEREVAN. – If we can solve another goal by taking small information, in reality, we will not be able to prevent the spread of this epidemic in any way; it is better to approach a little more tactful in curtailing human rights freedoms. Babken Tunyan, member of the majority My Step faction at the National Assembly (NA) of Armenia and Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs, said this in parliament Monday, referring to the issue of making an amendment to the Law on Electronic Communication.

"[Justice Minister] Mr. [Rustam] Badasyan said ‘big data’ in his speech," Tunyan said, in particular. “Its meaning is that information is gathered from all possible places (…) and information and assumptions about that person's possible behavior are generated through certain algorithms. (…). Social media work the same way (…). Today, sometimes we are under total oversight without being aware because of our behavior.”

Tunyan noted that another question arises here as to whether the government has the technical capacity to process all this information. "I think in such situations we have to go with the curtailing of certain rights," he added, in particular. "But we have to do it in a very balanced way."

Karapet Navasardian: