Categories: 2020

Child, two soldiers wounded as Azerbaijani troops target Armenian villages

Panorama, Armenia

Azerbaijani military attempted a subversive attack targetting Armenian defense positions near Noyemberyan region of Tavush Province on Monday, March 30, the Armenian Defense Ministry said in a statement.

The attack was recorded at around 7pm local time.

The adversary was repelled thanks to the actions of Armenian frontline troops, the ministry said, adding information on casualties is being clarified.

The Armenian side suffered no losses. Only two servicemen were slightly injured during the operation, the statement said.

In the meantime, the Azerbaijani armed forces opened fire at the Armenian border villages of Baghanis and Voskevan, wounding a school-age child who was standing in the balcony at the moment.

“To stabilize the situation on the border and to restrain the shameful actions of the Azerbaijani troops during the pandemic, the Armenian Armed Forces will take adequate retaliatory actions. The military-political leadership of Azerbaijan will bear the full responsibility for the consequences,” the statement read. 

Arsine Chaltikian: