Categories: 2020

In Ararat region, a citizen violated regime of self-isolation and returned to work

Arminfo, Armenia

ArmInfo.To date, 85 cases of coronavirus have been identified in the Ararat region. Governor of the region Garik Sargsyan reported this during a live broadcast on  Facebook.

According to him, the largest number of cases (13) was detected in  Masis, some of whose residents worked in one of the capital's  enterprises, which became the focus of the spread of the virus. This  is followed by the communities of Nor kyurin (12), Nor Kharberd (9)  and Mkhchyan (5). In the city of Artashat, three cases of coronavirus  are currently registered. Sargsyan did not exclude the possibility  that the number of patients with COVID-19 will increase taking into  account the fact that several more samples were taken for analysis  and their results have not yet been obtained. 

The source of the spread of the virus can be a funeral reception in  Artashat, among which there was a resident of the Dalar community,  who subsequently was infected with coronavirus infection. In this  regard, the governor again voiced a call to avoid mass events.

Sargsyan also informed that cases of violation of self-isolation and  restrictions on movement were revealed in the region. So, one citizen  subject to isolation went to work, endangering the health of his  colleagues.  This person, according to the governor, was fined 400  thousand drams. As noted, at the moment, the region is collecting  data on citizens who, in connection with the situation with  coronavirus, are in a difficult social situation (in particular,  people with daily wages). Sargsyan indicated that the collected data  will be submitted to the Government to receive appropriate state  assistance. In total, 482 cases of coronavirus were confirmed in  Armenia, 30 people recovered, three died, 2216 tests were negative.  Currently, 449 patients are receiving treatment.

Jhanna Virabian: