Categories: 2020

Masis Mayilyan: My cooperation with Samvel Babayan is another example of uniting the healthy forces of Artsakh

Arminfo, Armenia

ArmInfo.The difference between the upcoming elections in Artsakh and all the previous ones is not only the number of candidates, but also the emergence of a real  alternative, NKR Foreign Minister, Artsakh presidential candidate  Masis Mayilyan expressed a similar opinion to ArmInfo.

The main competitors in the upcoming March 31 presidential and  parliamentary elections in Artsakh are former Minister of State, one  of the richest people in the country Arayik Harutyunyan and incumbent  Foreign Minister Masis Mayilyan. Harutyunyan is supported by the  current authorities of Artsakh, while Mayilyan is supported by  Commander of the Artsakh Defense Army Samvel Babayan and several  other political forces. In total, 14 presidential candidates  registered in the Artsakh CEC.

"In view of the unprecedented increase in resources and control tools  over the electoral process, this time we can't talk about the  predetermination of the election results. In this light, in my  opinion, today in our country there is an exceptional situation for  holding normal, democratic elections. A situation, in which  administrative resource is limited, and the results depend solely on  voters, "Mayilyan noted.

According to the presidential candidate, this situation gives impetus  to his team to actively unite the healthy forces of society in order  to implement fundamental reforms in Artsakh. Mayilyan also expressed  confidence in the upcoming fruitful cooperation of the Armenian  authorities with the legitimately elected President of Artsakh. In  case of victory, he intends to do everything to make Artsakh more  open to the international community.

Mayilyan considers cooperation with the former Minister of Defense of  Artsakh Samvel Babayan as another example of uniting the healthy  forces of society. He emphasized that this cooperation was not  directed against anyone, and had the aim of consolidating the people  of Artsakh around the idea of ensuring a prosperous future for the  country. The presidential candidate stated that his own approaches in  conducting fundamental reforms are in line with those of Babayan and  his United Homeland party. The basis of these approaches lies in  further strengthening the combat effectiveness of the army,  overcoming economic stagnation and solving social problems.

Commenting on the demographic situation, Mayilyan noted his  readiness, in case of coming to power, on the basis of public  discussions, to begin to adopt and implement a new, clear and  targeted strategy for the populating of all regions of the republic.  At the same time, he considers that the change in the demographic  situation is linked with the development of the Artsakh economy,  which will create the necessary infrastructure and communications in  the areas where new settlers will settle.  "Our common development  strategy for Artsakh is based on ensuring national security, defense  and economic self-sufficiency. Moreover, nobody canceled the  prospects for reuniting Artsakh with Armenia.  ''Miatsum'' was at the  heart of the Artsakh liberation movement and the departure from this  slogan had exclusively objective reasons and the need for protection  of our right to self-determination. Today saying Armenia we mean one  country and two states with a common future, accordingly, intending  to intensify integration processes ", Mayilian concluded. 

Kevo Kalantarian: