The Minister suggested that university rectors not deprive of online education those students who have not paid tuition

Arminfo, Armenia

ArmInfo.RA Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports Arayik Harutyunyan suggested that university rectors not deprive students who have not paid  tuition of the opportunity to receive online education before the end  of the state of emergency. The minister said this during a live  broadcast on Facebook

Harutyunyan informed that he received a number of messages from  university students regarding the fact that they are required to pay  tuition fees. In this regard, the Minister in writing appealed to the  rectors with a request until April 14, that is, before the end of the  state of emergency, to refrain from expelling students in connection  with non-payment for studies.

In addition, if students express their willingness to fulfill their  financial obligations to the university, it was proposed to organize  the acceptance of payments online.